Integrating adaptation into regeneration projects

London Borough of Barking & Dagenham

March 2010

  • UK
  • Built environment
  • Drought
  • Flooding
  • Heatwave

Integrating climate change adaptation into two regeneration projects (Barking Riverside & Barking Town Centre).

Main messages

Unambiguous and technically sound guidelines ensured developers were aware of council requirements at the design stage.

Working with partners ensured access to more funding and support opportunities.

Wider consultation (schools, healthcare professionals, patients, support groups) would have enabled greater awareness and community involvement.

Providing advice to developers was a key component in the success of the project.

Demonstrating the additional benefits of adaptation action in terms of aesthetics and area design is key to community engagement.

In detail


  • Nottingham Declaration
  • Climate Change and Environmental Management Policy
  • Sustainable Energy Strategy
  • Climate Change Strategy

Main players & partners

  • Homes and Communities Agency
  • Bellway Homes
  • LBBD (Regeneration & Economic Development)
  • Environment Agency
  • University of East London (UEL)
  • Living Roofs


Flooding, heat waves and drought were identified as major risks to the regeneration projects and planning consent was used to encourage developers to include SUDS and green roofs in plans.

Consultations, Planning Policies, Planning Advice Notes were made available to developers: Green Roofs and Sustainable Design and Construction (includes SUDS).

Plans also specified light coloured granite paving and an arboretum in the town centre redevelopment to protect against summer overheating.

Finally the maintenance burden of the additions was considered and a Community Development Trust planned to manage and maintain SUDS.


Sustainable Urban Drainage System, green roofs and urban heat island mitigation measures were incorporated into development planning.



Strategic documents and clear guidance in place at the outset.

Working with local, regional, national and international partners enabled more ambitious projects than would have occurred otherwise.


Scope of consultation limited by timescales and officer availability.